Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Administration Guide: Further Reading

Prescribed Texts:


Cox, Nigel. Dirty Work. 1987. Wellington: VUP, 2006.

Jones, Lloyd. Mr Pip. Auckland: Penguin, 2006.

Neale, Emma. Relative Strangers. Auckland: Vintage, 2006.

Randall, Charlotte. Within the Kiss. Auckland: Penguin, 2002.


Book of Readings [available from student notes in Quad Block B basement]

Suggested Further Reading:

[More specific lists of relevant secondary reading will be posted here during the course of the year]


Broom, Sarah. Contemporary British and Irish Poetry: An Introduction. Houndmills, Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance. Ed. Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. Auckland: Auckland UP, 2006.

Contemporary New Zealand Poets in Performance. Ed. Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. Auckland: Auckland UP, 2007.

New New Zealand Poets in Performance. Ed. Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. Auckland: Auckland UP, 2008.

Martin, Isabel. Reading Peter Reading. Newcastle: Bloodaxe, 2000.

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